HCLTech’s VelocITy -N

HCL Technologies Limited.

HCLTech’s VelocITy -N

HCL Technologies Limited.

A Modernized SDDC, Co-Engineered with Nutanix SDI which support truly Hybrid Multi Cloud environment

HCLTech’s VelocITy – N offering helps you modernize your IT Infra to hybrid cloud-based SDI framework, which seamlessly run any workload, at any scale, across on-prem and Azure environments.

Offering has 5 main phases- Assess, Analyze, Plan, Execute & Operate which are based on 4 strong pillars of People (from Silos to Blended), Process (Manual to Automated), Technology (Legacy to modern) & Cost (Optimize & flexible).

Key Use Cases Includes:

On Demand Disaster Recovery: MS Azure region as a backup site and recover infra of a DR event.

Avoid dedicated cost in provisioning for DR and provision on Azure with maintaining centralized control.

Faster Migration:

Faster migration leveraging HCLTech tested and standardized migration tools.

Adopt; lift and shift migration with no refactoring & re-platforming of application to NC2 on Azure.

Centralized Management:

Centrally managed infrastructures stack through single window of GUI not only monitor but analyze and provision the consumption from on-prem to Azure.

Identify futuristic need and what-if modeling that brings optimization and self-allocation of reserve instant (if pre-defined).

Cloud Extension : Offers standardized & tested feature for need of on-demand test-environment, Sudden workload extension for short time, introduction of new region, to meet peak demand on certain occasion.

Flexible commercial construct: License portability to Azure under BYOL, flexible pricing for hourly need to yearly. Cost flexibility for different size of infra & industry need.

Key Benefits:

  • Reduce migration efforts by up to 24 percent without change in application
  • Accelerate on-boarding and deployment timelines by up to 14 percent
  • Multi-cloud management through a single pane of glass
  • Simplified and on-demand disaster recovery.
  • Access to on-demand capacity bursting