Liquid Fortinet Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

Liquid Telecommunications Operations Limited

Liquid Fortinet Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

Liquid Telecommunications Operations Limited

A Managed Security and UTM solutions that is fully maintained and supported by IT security experts

Unified Threat Management (UTM) is an approach to information security where a single hardware or software installation provides multiple security functions.

Key UTM-related threats

  • Unauthorized Access - Unauthorized access by users or devices, e.g., remote endpoints
  • Unauthorized use of network protocols, services, applications and IPS- Misuse and compromise via vulnerable or weakly configured network protocols, services IPS and applications.
  • Malicious code and malware attacks, including phishing- Virus attacks, compromise via malicious code website, phishing in all its forms.
  • Hacker reconnaissance exploits and penetration – Hacker attacks on public-facing infrastructure aimed at gaining access to private network assets.
  • Intrusion and Brute Force - Intrusion attempts in all its forms including brute force attacks on user credentials.
  • Denial of service (DOS) and Data interception – Interception of sensitive information including user passwords.

The Liquid C2 solution

  • Multi-tenant or dedicated options – Liquid-owned MSSP offering consisting of virtual UTM per customer or dedicated devices owned by the customer
  • Multi-tenant options – Cisco and Fortinet
  • Dedicated options – Cisco, Fortinet, Palo Alto, Check Point
  • Solution module options - by Next-generation firewall (NGFW), next-generation IPS, (NGIPS), Virtual private networking (VPN), Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), Secure SD-WAN, Zero-Trust
  • Consolidated Management and Reporting – Ease of management and relevant reporting to stakeholders
  • Event Logging and Storage – Linked to requirements and service level agreements

Monitoring and Analysis Service options - Monitoring and analysis requirements linked to service level agreement (SLA)

Liquid C2 options

  • Demonstration and Proof of Value (POV) - Demonstration and or trial of the solution
  • Enabling Product Solution – Annual per user subscription license, perpetual and customer-owned, multitenant via LIT MSSP licensing
  • Product Solution + Professional Services - Liquid to deploy the solution based on an agreed scope of work (SOW)
  • Monthly LIT Support - Liquid to assist with customer support requests
  • Managed Security Services (MSS) - Liquid to provide day-to-day management, monitoring, analysis, reporting, as well as incident management and response. All to be aligned to Service Level Agreement (SLA).