Air Compressor Predictive Maintenance (IoT Central)


Air Compressor Predictive Maintenance (IoT Central)


Air Compressor Predictive Maintenance with Azure Machine Learning and Azure IoT Central

Industrial Air Compressors are highly expensive assets and customers want to track their performance, efficiency and location to maximize the value across the value chain. To avoid significant downtime that can impact productivity and revenue, they also need to know if the air compressors are in good operating order. Developed using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and IoT Central, our solution can easily scale up as your number of air compressors increases and so the number of IoT devices installed on them. The solution takes the telemetry data from IoT devices through Azure IoT Central and then apply Machine Learning on the data to get the operating condition probabilities for air compressors. You can get the operating condition of a specific air compressor on a web portal. You can further drill down into specific air compressor operating conditions and telemetry history to get more details and take appropriate maintenance actions on specific air compressor.