Liquid C2 Cyber Security Fusion Centre CSOC Services

Liquid C2

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Fusion Centre CSOC Services

Liquid C2

Comprehensive Cyber Security Operation Centre (CSOC) services

Liquid C2 SecureFabric Enterprise MDR & MXDR services leverage the power of the Microsoft Defender portfolio solutions and the cloud-native Azure Sentinel to deliver a variety of managed security services (MSS) and CSOC services to customers who invested in Microsoft’s security portfolio and require either mature MSS or high fidelity SIEM, SOAR, MDR and MXDR services, including of course threat intelligence to be proactive rather than reactive.

Liquid C2 offers Security Consulting Services (SCS), Product Solutions and Professional Security Services (PSS), Managed Security Services (MSS) and Cyber Security Operation Centre (CSOC) services. Most of these services are an integral part of our Cyber Security Fusion Centres across Africa.

What we offer:

  • Organisations that invested in Microsofts's security portfolio, such as Defender for Endpoint or E3 & E5 EMS licenses, have access to comprehensive endpoint protection and SIEM/SOAR ingestion. Still, some may not have internal teams to manage the security operation themselves.
  • The Liquid C2 SecureFabric Enterprise services are delivered by our CSOC team and enable businesses to take advantage of the power of their Microsoft Defender and Azure Sentinel investments. Our services enable cyber resiliency by addressing the following best practice outcomes: Identification, Detection, Protection, Response and Recovery, Testing, Situational Awareness, as well as Learning and Evolving.
  • Liquid C2 SecureFabric, which is about the integration of people, process and technology to deliver high fidelity CSOC and MXDR services, includes 24x7x365 monitoring, event analysis and threat hunting, incident management and response, as well as threat intelligence to be proactive rather than reactive.

Key benefits:

  • Centralised event and incident monitoring 24x7x365
  • Threat intelligence
  • Actionable reporting
  • Event analysis
  • Threat hunting and incident response

Liquid C2 options

  • SecureFabric Enterprise MDR Plus: Defender for endpoints and servers
  • SecureFabric Enterprise MDR with SIEM/SOAR Advanced: Defender for endpoint and servers, as well as ingestion of extended non-Microsoft event sources, e.g. security appliances such as firewalls, IPS, etc.
  • SecureFabric Enterprise MXDR: Defender for endpoints and servers, ingestion of extended non-Microsoft event sources, as well as extended Defender services, e.g. Defender for Identities.