Azure Govern by Macquarie Cloud Services

Macquarie Cloud Services

Azure Govern by Macquarie Cloud Services

Macquarie Cloud Services

One single management plane across on-premises, hybrid, private, & public clouds is now real. Build your solution on validated reference architecture tailored to you, merging silos & standalone environments for true operational sovereignty cross platform.

Consolidate management, governance, & security of workloads across disparate environments with Azure Arc & Macquarie Cloud Services. Assess server configuration, availability, performance, & compliance by using Azure Monitor. Govern Virtual machines with Azure Policy & Blueprints. Configure & automate with Azure Automation. Protect servers with Azure Security Center for threat detection, vulnerability management, & proactive monitoring for security threats. Activate on-demand SQL server assessments covering quality, security & compliance, availability & continuity, & performance & scalability plus advanced data security.

Implement robust architecture that caters for the demands of your business. We'll show you how to start with a low-risk approach when testing out solutions with minimal expense & commitment & maximum certainty.

Macquarie Cloud Services will:

  • Conduct a remote information gathering session
  • Undertake a scope assessment & requirements definition
  • Conduct the assessment against the agreed scope
  • Suggest programs to accelerate transformation, sometimes with commercial benefits
  • Walk through deployment, architecture best practices, management principles.
  • Provide
    • A detailed bill of materials with costings
    • A documented Statement of Work with an architecture diagram that starts the next stage of Cloud Adoption
    • A battle-hardened design that considers governance, management & security of your workloads out of Azure.
  • Implement an agreed Proof of Concept with discrete success criteria.

Macquarie follows Microsoft's Cloud Adoption Framework best practices. Choose Azure Govern as either:

  • a single assessment, (this offer) or
  • as part of an ongoing managed service, Azure Managed. We'll stay with you to walk you through solution validation, testing, roll out & then ongoing operational excellence. You'll get the same great service, together with an operations team to make the recommendations real. After all, the only thing constant in the cloud is change, & staying across technology & innovation is what we do. In fact, we've been doing it for 20 years.

  • Click on the Get it now button & we'll call you to discuss your requirements.We are Australia's fastest growing Azure Expert MSP, the No. 1 managed cloud business in Australia & the country’s most-recommended secure cloud provider, with a world-class Net Promoter Score (NPS) of +85. Our years of relationship with Microsoft provides deep expertise in installing, supplying & managing Azure solutions.