Metric Insights BI Portal - Virtual Machine Image

Metric Insights

Metric Insights BI Portal - Virtual Machine Image

Metric Insights

Publish all reports and analytics to a BI Portal & Governance platform—the entire organization can finally get on the same page.

Metric Insights works by integrating all BI tools, data catalogs, reporting, and metrics into a single, consolidated catalog of governed BI assets that users can access knowing it contains content they can trust.

Why do you need a BI Portal? Organizations are struggling with a lack of usage and ROI for their BI practices. Users are overwhelmed with too much information—they don't know what they can trust. Metric Insights' business intelligence portal is an essential front-door to the entire BI stack, without it, there is a constant uphill battle for BI teams as they are faced with a barrage of questions: is this report the right one? How do I know? How do I find similar reports? What are the business glossary terms in the report? How can I give feedback to the developer? If I need to find a report that I am not permitted to access, how do I do that? I want to distribute this report—how do I do that? Our platform provides answers to all the questions that BI teams see every day, saving everyone in the organization time.

The Metric Insights platform provides:

  • Report catalog with personal favorites and other organization paradigms
  • Apps ("Portal Pages") for building highly customized, persona optimized landing pages, team-specific catalogs, mobile experiences, and more
  • Make reports discoverable—users can easily find all relevant reporting and request access
  • Make important announcements to any cohort or group of users, either globally or only on specific reports
  • Burst/distribute reports via email, Teams, Slack, and more
  • Integrate with Data Catalog tools to get Glossary Terms, Metrics, and other key metadata in front of users at the point of consumption—right when they are looking at the report, they see the relevant metadata
  • Track key KPIs via simple Metrics
  • Set up alerts to track critical issues or anomalies in data

Who is the audience? Users at every level in the enterprise, from junior analysts to sales reports, up to the C-suite, are able to engage with reports in a consistent, governed manner. No matter the industry, the problem is universal: people need easy access to any reporting and analytics assets, from advanced dashboards to CSVs or PDFs.

What can I do with this VM? With this Virtual Machine you will be able to get up and running with the full Metric Insights platform in your Azure tenant. Our unified business intelligence portal integrates with essential tools in the Microsoft ecosystem, from Azure AD, SharePoint and Teams, to Power BI, Purview, SSRS, SSAS, Synapse, and Azure Data Lake Store.