Trellix vIPS External Controller 11.1

Musarubra US LLC

Trellix vIPS External Controller 11.1

Musarubra US LLC

Trellix vIPS is a complete intrusion detection and prevention system designed for the cloud.

vIPS External Controller is a MLOS operating system based virtual machine that is a central enforcement point for all network and security policies. It is a centralized manager that controls all Virtual Probes installed on the instances in the cloud environment. It can be configured in the Intrusion Prevention System Manager.

  • vIPS Cluster — is a collection of Virtual IPS Sensors that inspect traffic directed to them by the virtual
  • Protected group — is a collection of virtual machines that redirect their traffic to a vIPS Cluster for inspection.

Trellix Virtual Probes are installed on all instances that need to be secured by the Virtual IPS Sensor. The Virtual Probe intercepts all traffic before it reaches its destination and then forwards it to the Virtual IPS Sensor for scanning.