Records Scanning & Archiving

NKUSI-IT Specialized Services

Records Scanning & Archiving

NKUSI-IT Specialized Services

Revolutionizing records management by scanning, archiving & making digital records easily searchable

Our product makes use of the following technologies: Microsoft Sharepoint, Power automate, Azure storage, Power BI, Graph & dataverse

Digital Records
This process ensures that all documents are accurately captured and stored in a digital database.

Data Extraction
We leverage advanced algorithms to extract relevant data fields from the digitized records. This
extracted data is indexed to create a searchable database, enabling quick and easy retrieval of information. This process
significantly improves the efficiency of managing records.

Turnkey Service
Our turnkey service offers a complete solution which includes the initial setup of scanning, designing optimized
workflows, and equipment of necessary hardware and software. Our team handles the staffing and daily operations
of these facilities, ensuring efficient and effective digitisation of records. Additionally, we provide ongoing support and
maintenance to guarantee the continuous smooth functioning of the system.