SQL Server 2019 on Oracle 8.4

Ntegral Inc.

SQL Server 2019 on Oracle 8.4

Ntegral Inc.

SQL Server 2019 as a database vm image

SQL Server 2019 on Oracle 8.4 is an enterprise relational database management system. It comprises a database specifically targeted for embedded and enterprise-scale applications.

Why use Ntegral Certified Apps?

Ntegral certified images are always up-to-date, secure, and built to work right out of the box.

Ntegral packages applications following industry standards, and continuously monitors all components and libraries for vulnerabilities and application updates. When any security threat or update is identified, Ntegral automatically repackages the applications and pushes the latest versions to the cloud marketplaces.

How to Use

Run mssql-conf setup and follow the prompts to set the SA password and choose your edition.
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup