RethinkDB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Ntegral Inc.

RethinkDB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Ntegral Inc.

RethinkDB, RethinkDB on Azure optimized by Ntegral Inc.

RethinkDB is the open-source, scalable database that makes building realtime apps dramatically easier. We have combined RethinkDB with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

We created this VM workload to allow for teams to focus on their project and not how to deploy the project to production.

This RethinkDB Accelerator provides for hassle-free, scalable, enterprise ready deployments. This VM workload has no usage limits. It can be scaled-up or scaled-out to meet your specific environments needs.


  • Work with your favorite stack: Query JSON documents with Python, Ruby, Node.js or dozens of other languages. Build modern apps using your favorite web framework, paired with realtime technologies like or SignalR.
  • Everything you need to build modern apps: Express relationships using joins, build location-aware apps, or store multimedia and time-series data. Do analytics with aggregation and map/reduce, and speed up your apps using flexible indexing.
  • Robust architecture: RethinkDB integrates the latest advances in database technology. It has a modern distributed architecture, a highly-optimized buffer cache, and a state-of-the-art storage engine. All of these components work together to create a robust, scalable, high-performance database.
  • Built with love by the open source community: Originally developed by a core team of database experts and over 100 contributors from around the world, RethinkDB is shaped by developers like you participating in an open source community development process.

How to Use:

RethinkDB is running a linux service. It is configured to restart and is ready to launch out-of the box. Once the VM instance starts, access RethinkDB via the following: "http://publicDNS:8080/" or "http://azureIP:8080/".

Default ports:

  • SSH: 22
  • HTTP: 8080
  • Intracluster connections: 29015
  • Client driver: 28015

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide commercial license of any of these products. Many of the products have a, demo or Open Source license as applicable.