Prancer PenSuite AI

Prancer Enterprise

Prancer PenSuite AI

Prancer Enterprise

Prancer PenSuite AI provides integration with Microsoft Sentinel

We are excited to introduce the seamless integration of Prancer PenSuite AI with Microsoft Sentinel, designed to bolster your security posture and fortify your defenses.

Our integration strategy empowers you with a three-step approach:

  1. Streamlined Import: Prancer efficiently imports critical findings from Pentest (Penetration Testing), CSPM, , DAST, SAST, and IAC scans into Microsoft Sentinel using a push model. Say goodbye to manual data transfers and hello to real-time insights.
  2. Advanced Correlation: Microsoft Sentinel investigation graphs allow you to connect the dots and identify hidden patterns within your security data. Discover potential threats before they escalate and respond proactively to protect your assets.
  3. Automated Remediation (Optional): With customizable run books, you have the option to automate actions and remediation processes. Effortlessly neutralize threats and reduce response times, giving you peace of mind and freeing up resources for other critical tasks.

Prancer and Microsoft Sentinel offer a powerful synergy that helps you stay ahead of cyber threats and compliant with industry regulations. Boost your organization's security confidence and be proactive in safeguarding what matters most.

Take the first step towards comprehensive security today with Prancer Microsoft Sentinel Integration. Embrace the future of cybersecurity and unlock a new level of protection for your business.