CS: Global Offensive - Game Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Tidal Media Inc

CS: Global Offensive - Game Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Tidal Media Inc

The most recent version of one of the most globally recognizable games!

CS: Global Offensive - Game Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, often referred to as CS:GO, is the most recent version of the most popular online FPS ever. Updated engine, graphics, new character and weapon models, updated maps and a few new game modes - despite all this Global Offensive still remains the same Counter-Strike everyone loved.

For the uninitiated, CS is an online FPS, probably the most popular ever made, in which two teams fight each other in order to achieve an aim previously set according to a game mode. There are two teams, Terrorists (Ts) and Counter-Terrorists (CTs), that should compete against each other to place or defuse bombs and keep or free hostages respectively.

Both teams have different stocks of weapons available to purchase at each round beginning. Each player receives a reward at the end of the round according to the role he played in a fight - the number of enemies on his account, his contribution to the team objectives and completion of strategic goals.

Unlike older versions, Global Offensive is still being updated often, fixing bugs and vulnerabilities, adding new modes and improving performance and graphical experience. This game is modern in all of the meanings of this word.

Combining this with new graphics, game modes, updated maps and the most active community out of all CS games - CS:GO is the perfect choice to enjoy fundamental Counter-Strike gameplay!

That's why Tidal Media Inc. provides you with CS: Global Offensive - Game Server on Ubuntu 20.04 - the perfect solution of an ultimately lightweight server that is fully configured and ready-to-run in Azure environments.

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide a commercial license for any of these products. CS: Global Offensive is a complete and separate project from Tidal Media Inc.