Squid Easy Сaching Proxy Server on Ubuntu 18.04

Tidal Media Inc

Squid Easy Сaching Proxy Server on Ubuntu 18.04

Tidal Media Inc

Highly performance proxy server to reduce and network traffic as well.

Squid Easy Сaching Proxy Server on Ubuntu 18.04

This is an extremely flexible and customizability proxy server. You can use it to speed up data transfers in a network of computers that require frequent updates of some kind

The Squid’s Easy Сaching distinguishing features is the possibility of caching resources requested from the web to disk in order to speed up future requests of those objects either by the same client or others.

Squid Easy Сaching can implement caching and proxying of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) requests and caching of Domain Name Server (DNS) lookups, and perform transparent caching.

Squid Easy Сaching also supports a wide variety of caching protocols, such as:

  • Internet Cache Protocol (ICP)
  • Hyper Text Caching Protocol (HTCP)
  • Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP)
  • Web Cache Coordination Protocol (WCCP).

Squid Easy Caching can be installed in a quick and simple way. It will reduce your latency and network traffic as well, reducing the amount of used bandwidth, which saves you money if you’re paying for traffic.

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide a commercial license for any of these products. Squid is a complete and separate project from Tidal Media Inc.

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