Tryane Analytics for Teams


Tryane Analytics for Teams


Monitor, optimize and govern Microsoft Teams® across your organization

Are you an IT manager that just deployed MS teams org-wide?

Are the limitations of the native reporting making it difficult to understand and action engagement issues across your org? 

With Tryane Analytics for MS Teams you can easily: 
    1. Learn: Keep track of Teams usage across your entire organization and set customizable metrics to measure the engagement you want to see
    2. Optimize: Uncover areas of opportunity to improve engagement and partner with owners of highly engaged teams to scale and promote best practice
    3. Govern: Enforce IT policies at scale using automated workflows to manage guest compliance, cut down on orphan or inactive teams, and more

Go to the upper left of this page and click the FREE TRIAL button to start measuring the ROI on your collaboration strategies with Tryane. 

Important note: the app requires AAD admin permissions

About Tryane

Tryane has been an expert in collaboration analytics since 2008. Over 1500 organizations trust us to up-level their organization’s usage of Microsoft Office 365.