KnowledgeFusion Solution - Powered by Azure OpenAI Services

WinWire Technologies

KnowledgeFusion Solution - Powered by Azure OpenAI Services

WinWire Technologies

Uncover latent insights from your content with Azure OpenAI GPT and cognitive search to reduce cost

Organizations need to adopt a data-driven approach that utilizes the massive inflow of unstructured data while containing costs and automating redundant tasks.

WinWire’s KnowledgeFusion Solution is built by leveraging Azure OpenAI, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure Data, API, and other Azure Services. The solution leverages a combination of AI services to interact, search, understand, and learn from large volumes of raw data, uncover hidden insights, summarize, and find relationships and patterns at scale. The Microsoft Azure OpenAI and Cognitive powered solution provides an engaging user experience, data interaction, accelerated information search, summarization, knowledge capability, and recommendations for ongoing insights.

The solution ingests structured and unstructured data, enables the automated creation of metadata and classification, and provides relationships between business terms for analysts and data scientists to link ontologies, derive patterns, and explore behaviors from the data. The solution provides significant productivity benefits with actionable insights to optimize operational workflows and improvement in access to the right data at the right time.

WinWire’s KnowledgeFusion Solution

    1. Provides an intuitive chat interface for interaction with the data.
    2. Reduces cost of delivering insights.
    3. Enables faster Information discovery and Knowledge sharing.
    4. Increases productivity.

    Key Deliverables

    • Assess use cases for information search, classification, discovery, insights, summarization.
    • KnowledgeFusion Solution Accelerator.