Sony Biz Networks Corporation
Sony Biz Networks Corporation
Sony Biz Networks Corporation
クラウド型勤怠管理サービス。少人数から大企業、中小企業、少数精鋭のベンチャー企業、シフト勤務のパートやアルバイトを雇用する店舗、小売業など、あらゆる業種の導 入が可能
Use Microsoft Entra ID to manage user access and enable single sign-on with AKASHI. Requires an existing AKASHI subscription.
* Enterprise Single Sign-On - Microsoft Entra ID supports rich enterprise-class single sign-on with AKASHI out of the box. Users sign in using their organizational accounts hosted in Active Directory.
* Easy Configuration - Microsoft Entra ID provides a simple step-by-step user interface for connecting AKASHI to Microsoft Entra ID.