CINDE Connected Retail - Pricing & Promotion

SymphonyAI Retail | CPG

CINDE Connected Retail - Pricing & Promotion

SymphonyAI Retail | CPG

Quickly evaluate promotions using metrics that matter

Quickly evaluate promotions using metrics that matter

Predictive and generative AI addressing retail’s biggest challenges

In today’s fiercely competitive retail landscape, Connected Retail represents a necessary evolution for retailers aiming to stay competitive. Connected Retail is the seamless flow of data and insights that bridges silos across retail operations, allowing retailers to move from slow and tedious reactive analysis to responding to market demands in near real-time and anticipating what’s next. SymphonyAI has made the concept of Connected Retail a reality with market-leading generative and predictive AI, technology infrastructure, and the ability to embed customer data throughout operational solutions and AI models. This empowers retailers to uncover previously unknowable insights, helping them predict trends and tailor shopping experiences. The result? Unparalleled forecast accuracy, streamlined store operations, targeted offerings, and happy, loyal customers.

Quickly evaluate promotions using metrics that matter

Pricing & Promotion helps increase customer loyalty and profitable growth. Rapidly evaluate promotions, measuring their impact on sales, margin, and customer loyalty. Use AI to nimbly make decisions and act at the UPC and store level, boosting promotional ROI and customer satisfaction.

Rapid, real, relevant results

30% reduction in inefficient promotions

3x uplift in promotion revenue

1% increase in overall revenue

Rapid evaluation of promotions

Understand in near-real-time which promotions are effective and which are not so you can act quickly.

Evaluation metrics that matter

Evaluation algorithms consider the impact on sales, margin, and customer behavior so you can make optimal promotional decisions.

UPC and store-level granularity

System-wide promotion evaluation, from a product, category, and store-level, so you can take the right action.

Agile scenario planning

Machine learning-powered “what if” capabilities to understand the impact before costly deployment.

Customer-centric analysis

Analysis at the customer level, to understand the impact of promotions on your most important segments.

Information at a glance

Dashboards and simple-to-use interfaces that provide information quickly and at the most granular levels, for your internal users and external partners.