Holistic Cloud-Native Security & Optimized Migration

UST Global

Holistic Cloud-Native Security & Optimized Migration

UST Global

CyberProof ensures robust, tailored security during cloud migrations.

In the shift to cloud computing, companies face heightened security risks, spiraling costs, and challenges in handling massive data while striving to preserve oversight across multifaceted environments and update threat defenses. This transition demands a delicate balance between robust, integrated cloud-native security measures and the imperative to control expenses and simplify operations amidst a swiftly changing digital arena.

Navigating the complexities of cloud transformation involves employing a holistic cloud-native security strategy, as CyberProof offers. This approach encompasses using advanced security analytics tailored for the cloud environment, optimizing data collection to manage costs, and continuously updating threat detection protocols.

CyberProof's holistic cloud-native security solution offers advanced security analytics, XDR capabilities, agile protocol updates, and unified incident management for enhanced security, cost savings, agility, and streamlined management. By integrating Extended Detection & Response (XDR) capabilities and leveraging a unified platform for incident management across environments, CyberProof ensures comprehensive threat coverage and visibility, allowing businesses to maintain robust security postures, control expenses, and efficiently adapt to evolving threats and regulatory requirements throughout their cloud migration processes.


  • Agility: Enables rapid adaptation and scaling of operations to meet business demands.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces expenses through efficient cloud-native solutions and data management.
  • Enhanced Security: Optimizes threat detection processes using real-time data and agile development of security protocols.
  • Simplified Management: Unifies security tools for streamlined incident handling across all environments.
  • Continuous Improvement: Ensures ongoing refinement of security measures, adapting to emerging threats.


  • Efficient Cloud-Native Security Analytics: Leverage powerhouses like Microsoft Sentinel for in-cloud operations, offering streamlined data analysis and superior threat detection without the burden of extra infrastructure.
  • Seamless Integration with Custom Data Connectors: Harnesses specialized interfaces that facilitate a smooth cloud transition, providing exhaustive monitoring and seamless security data amalgamation from varied sources.
  • Dynamic Security Updates through Agile Development: Stay ahead of threats with perpetually refreshed security protocols, encompassing everything from detection rules to response strategies tailored for the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.
  • Unified Defense with Integrated XDR: Consolidate your security stance using advanced Extended Detection & Response, synchronizing data for a comprehensive, enterprise-wide defense strategy.
  • Simplified Control with Automated Security Deployment: Adopt Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices and platforms such as CyberProof Defense Center, automating and centralizing security management for enhanced oversight and efficiency in diverse security operations.

About CyberProof

As a UST company, CyberProof supports enterprises by keeping them safe and secure from cyberattacks as they migrate to cloud-native environments. Using a groundbreaking combination of virtual analysts, expert human analysts, and automations, CyberProof supports, extends, and continually optimizes your cybersecurity operations while collaborating with your security team and critical stakeholders in real time.

Safe in the knowledge that your data is now fully protected, you can focus on achieving your critical business objectives and become the global entity you are meant to be: agile, adaptive, and innovative. Learn more at