Enterprise Search & Chat Virtual Assistant - powered by WorkNext AI


Enterprise Search & Chat Virtual Assistant - powered by WorkNext AI


IntelliBot - A Natural Language Conversational Teams Virtual Assistant with Enterprise Search

The majority of businesses today realise they hold significant value stored in their ever expanding enterprise datasets, the big challenge is how to unlock this value in a fast and easy manner.

Cognizant's "IntelliBot" solution solves this challenge by leveraging state-of-the-art Azure OpenAI services securely trained on enterprise datasets to unlock this hidden value through natural language search. With a combination of advanced techniques, this virtual assistant chatbot uses natural language to search and summarize knowledge sourced within your organization. The context of the user’s conversation is considered and retained for the duration of the conversation.

The first step in the process involves utilizing the powerful Azure OpenAI embedding service. User questions are passed through this service, which employs cutting-edge vector search capabilities. Within the search layer, a Redis search tool is utilized to explore a vast knowledge base stored in Azure storage containers. This enables "IntelliBot" to access a wealth of relevant information that powers high-relevance responses.

By harnessing the power of the Azure OpenAI embedding service and the search layer, "IntelliBot" excels in delivering accurate and appropriate answers to user queries. The intelligent virtual assistant retrieves the most relevant knowledge base information, ensuring that users receive the information they seek in a timely manner, with a much lower effort required compared to viewing multiple files and performing traditional keyword searches.

Through its efficient use of Azure OpenAI technologies, "IntelliBot" offers an enhanced user experience, providing users with valuable insights and meaningful interactions. By staying at the forefront of evolving technologies, "IntelliBot" continues to deliver cutting-edge solutions, transforming the way users engage with information.


  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: By utilizing advanced Azure OpenAI services, "IntelliBot" enhances the customer experience by providing accurate and relevant information promptly. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Cost Savings: The efficient use of Azure OpenAI services in "IntelliBot" reduces the need for manual intervention and support, resulting in cost savings for businesses. The bot can handle a significant volume of user queries simultaneously, reducing the need for additional human resources.
  • Increased Efficiency: "IntelliBot" streamlines the process of retrieving information by leveraging the Azure OpenAI embedding service and search layer. This leads to improved operational efficiency and faster response times, enabling businesses to handle a higher volume of user interactions.
  • Scalability: Built on the Azure platform with cloud native technologies including Azure OpenAI Services, "IntelliBot" offers scalability for businesses. As customer demands increase, the bot can efficiently manage the influx of queries while being right-sized to demand.
  • Access to Insights: By utilizing the vast knowledge base processed into the Redis cache, "IntelliBot" provides businesses with valuable insights into customer preferences, trends, and frequently asked questions. This information can be used to optimize marketing strategies, improve products or services, and make data-driven business decisions.
  • Competitive Advantage: Incorporating advanced Azure OpenAI services in "IntelliBot" gives businesses a competitive edge in the market. By offering an intelligent and interactive bot that can deliver prompt summarized answers, businesses can differentiate themselves and attract more customers who value efficient and personalized interactions.

The price and implementation duration will be estimated and customized based on client requirements identified during discovery phases.