Leverages AI (graph RAG) to provide solutions for Enterprises on their Journey to sustainability is a sustainability offering from Ongil which is designed to help enterprises going through compliance to clearly understand the compliance and standards documents and what is expected out of their businesses in terms of compliance reporting. It provides several components of the ESG lifecycle to be able to source data from various documents, websites, harmonize them and also in generating the reports. It provides a Co-pilot called CSRD agent which answers queries to the analysts and compliance officers to understand the standards and implement them in a timely manner.

Problems in the ESG space:

  1. Data Preparation is demanding and not scalable

  2. Consulting support for ESG is costly

  3. Full value chain scenario planning is inaccessible for inadequate datasets

  4. Industry benchmarking metrics are not sufficiently granular

  5. CSRD demands insights and commentary attempts to solve these pressing problems in the ESG space. It solves these problems with the following offerings

External Data Augmenter

Collects and estimates esg metrics based on publicly available datasets (e.g. emission factors)

Data Processing for ESG

ESG data is spread across several sources within the organization as well as across various elements of the supply chain with varying degrees of maturity e.g. Scope1, Scope2 Scope3 emissions data. The data is residing in a variety of tools and formats with varying degrees of data governance and controls and data quality. Its traceability and metadata across the supply chain is of paramount importance. solves this problem with its data and metadata pipelines with its ability to scrap data from pdfs, websites etc. by leveraging graphRAG implementation along with LLMs(AI leverage). It also has a data harmonization tool built in-house for entity reconciliation.

Product level ESG footprint estimations

Data combined with assumptions models ESG metrics under specific conditions. also has capabilities to visualize the chain of dependencies of the PCF graph across the supply chain. It can also run factor analysis where the analyst can tweak the input parameters to get a PCF visualization output thus creating a causal model for PCF metrics. This feature makes very unique and powerful for understanding the impact of downstream parameters on various emission outcomes.

Conversational ESG Agent coveted offering is the CSRD CO-PILOT. One tool everyone wants is to figure out what to do with the standards and what are the things they should prepare to report. Conversational Agent can be used to ask queries on CSRD, ESRS, GHG, SASB etc. and get answers in a meaningful way. also provides napkin diagrams for the answers coming out of the agent to be able to visualize, sample reports to explain the responses and excel calculators for the consultants to DIY on certain metrics.

### Key Milestones

**June 2024**

- CSRD aware analytics agent (co-pilot)

**July 2024**

- Commentary and insights driven CSR report generation

**August 2024**

- Industry benchmarking AI

**September 2024**

- LCA from unstructured data, academic literature, and internal docs (graph RAG)

**October 2024**

- Inclusion of SFDR related analysis and reporting