



Boost your stores' revenue by data. Users to see all their business locations through a single rep

Users to see all their business locations through a single report.

Learn more about the tool that presents advanced statistics from Google Maps, and why it's the best way to expand your customers' networks.

BizInsights is a tool designed for distributed businesses that allows users to see and analyse all their business locations from Google Maps. Data about each location, is collected and presented in one dashboard.

AI technology enables effective monitoring and management of different locations and data-driven decision-making, helping to increase the number of customers. With the help of Cognitive Services tools and the use of NLP (Natural Language Processing), the system analyses not only the average rating, but especially the written reviews issued, resulting in the rapid adaptation of business to customer needs.

Monitor and manage different locations of your business, work on your reputation, make data-driven decisions, and control what customers say about you. Find out more about the tool that presents advanced statistics from Google Maps, and why it's the best way to expand your customers' networks.

What do you gain by using BizInsights?

  • The tool allows you to easily and effectively monitor the efficiency of your business locations
  • It shows what customers recommend in your services and what needs improvement
  • It is a key tool for building higher customer satisfaction
  • Saves time for marketing, sales and customer service departments
  • Increases online visibility
  • Improves the workflow of the company, helps optimize processes
  • Dashboard with report helps make better management decisions
  • Advanced statistics from Google Maps helps to gain competitive advantage


1. One-page dashboard

2. Word cloud

3. Sentiment trends

4. Where customers find you on Google

5. Search keywords analysis

If your company is facing:

  • Difficulty in comparing results from different locations of your business;
  • Challenges in interpreting and comparing your company’s ratings;
  • Complexity in analysing customer sentiments;
  • Lack of up-to-date customer review analysis;
  • Uncertainty about the source from which potential customers learn about your company;
  • Concerns regarding personal data.

BizInsights would be perfect solution to help you make informed decisions.