Enterprise App Integration with Microsoft My Apps Portal


Our solution mitigates cybersecurity threats, fortifies identity security, safeguards data, and maintains trust, enabling organizations to focus on growth and innovation without compromising security.

Enterprise Application Integration with Microsoft My Apps Portal

Our consulting services are designed to assist you in leveraging Microsoft Azure to begin or expand your use of enterprise application integration, enhancing your in-house capabilities with our expertise.



  • Goal Definition: Clarify your business requirements to align with Azure-based solutions.
  • Requirement Analysis: Identify unique organizational needs and define essential functionalities leveraging Azure services.


  • Architecture Preparation: Document existing architectures and propose Azure-integrated solutions.
  • Design Documentation: Outline the steps for Azure-based configurations and integrations.
  • Impact Analysis: Analyze how the Azure-integrated solution will interact with your existing infrastructure.


  • Development: Build and test the proposed Azure-integrated solution in a non-production Azure environment.
  • Testing: Execute test cases on Azure to validate functionality and integration.


  • Pilot Deployment: Implement the solution within Azure, initiating with pilot users to ensure seamless operation.
  • Full Rollout: Expand deployment across your organization, fully leveraging Azure's cloud capabilities.

What We Do:

  • Utilize Azure Active Directory for Application Inventory and Single Sign-On (SSO) Configuration.
  • Implement User Access Control and Application Provisioning using Azure's management tools.
  • Manage Application Lifecycle directly through Azure services.
  • Enable Monitoring and Reporting using Azure's analytics and security tools.

Key Benefits:

  • Simplified Access: Microsoft My Apps, integrated through Azure, provides a single platform for managing all enterprise applications.
  • Enhanced Security: Utilize Azure’s advanced security features such as multi-factor authentication and identity protection to safeguard your applications.
  • Customized Integration: Our team customizes your Azure environment to streamline application access and improve operational efficiency.


  • Detailed Azure Catalog: A comprehensive catalog of all Azure-integrated applications for centralized management.
  • Seamless Azure Access: Unified access to multiple applications using Azure's identity management capabilities.
  • Efficient Azure Management: Effective management of user permissions and access rights across Azure-integrated applications.
  • Lifecycle Management: Ongoing management and updates of applications within Azure.

Offering Costs: Costs and timelines are tailored based on the complexity of the Azure integration and the scale of the applications involved.

For more information or to start enhancing your Azure capabilities, please contact us.
