Siriusnet PoR full node

Siriusnet Institute

Siriusnet PoR full node

Siriusnet Institute

por blockchain node

The analogy of a 'distributed ledger' has long been associated with blockchain technology, exemplified by the likes of Bitcoin. These blockchains enable decentralized currencies through the application of fundamental cryptographic tools. The ledger, in this context, serves as a record of activity, governed by a set of rules that dictate modifications to the ledger. For instance, a Bitcoin address cannot spend more than it has received, thereby upholding the integrity of transactions across the network.
However, the Siriusnet Proof of Rank (PoR) blockchain goes beyond the traditional notion of a distributed ledger, offering a paradigm shift in decentralized systems. While it embraces the foundational principles of cryptography, it introduces an innovative concept based on a powerful ranking mechanism. This unique approach revolutionizes the way transactions are processed and validated, paving the way for a more efficient and secure blockchain ecosystem.
In contrast to other blockchain platforms, Siriusnet PoR introduces the concept of a distributed state machine. Rather than solely relying on a ledger, the blockchain encompasses a vast and comprehensive data structure known as the state. This state not only encompasses account balances but also encompasses a machine state that dynamically evolves from block to block. Governed by predefined rules, this machine state executes arbitrary machine code, unleashing the full potential of the blockchain.