A machine learning powered risk prediction system to transform reactive care to predictive care

Leveraging the most advanced machine learning technologies, AITRICS has developed VitalCare (VC), a patient risk prediction system that collects patient data such as vital signs and lab tests directly from electronic medical records (EMR) and generates prediction scores for clinical deterioration and sepsis.

As a so-called ‘silent killer,’ sepsis causes the death of 250,000 individuals annually and is responsible for 1 out of every 3 hospital deaths. It causes more deaths each year than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and HIV/AIDS combined, according to the Global Sepsis Alliance.

Moreover, the cost of sepsis is a serious healthcare burden. Based on the 2013 HCUP statistical brief, sepsis costs accounted for more than $23 billion and was the most expensive condition treated in US hospitals.

AITRICS’s risk prediction system will help physicians save more lives and reduce costs by identifying not only patients at high risk but also contributing clinical factors and by analyzing data across different types of sources.

It is designed to be implemented in the emergency department, intensive care unit, and general wards (floors) with the goals of preventing failure to rescue (FTR) and optimizing hospital admission & discharge progress and thereby improving efficiency while reducing healthcare costs.