Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security, Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, JBoss EAP, Runtimes, Application Foundations, and OpenShift AI Subscriptions for Azure Red Hat OpenShift deployments

Red Hat Inc

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security, Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, JBoss EAP, Runtimes, Application Foundations, and OpenShift AI Subscriptions for Azure Red Hat OpenShift deployments

Red Hat Inc

RHACS, RHACM, JBoss EAP, Runtimes, RHAF, OpenShift AI Subscriptions for Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat offers a comprehensive range of products and services to effectively assist organizations in addressing real-world business challenges. Our offerings in this listing are intended for private offer customers running ARO on Azure Infrastructure only. Please contact your Red Hat seller for additional details.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes is the pioneering Kubernetes-native security platform, equipping organizations to build, deploy, and run cloud-native applications more securely. The solution helps protect containerized Kubernetes workloads in all major clouds and hybrid platforms.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes controls clusters and applications from a single console with built-in security policies. Extend the value of Red Hat OpenShift by deploying apps, managing multiple clusters, and enforcing policies across multiple clusters at scale. Red Hat’s solution ensures compliance, monitors usage and maintains consistency.

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) delivers enterprise-grade security, performance, and scalability in any environment. Whether on-premise; virtual; or in private, public, or hybrid clouds, JBoss EAP can help you deliver apps faster, everywhere.

Red Hat Runtimes is a set of products, tools, and components for developing and maintaining cloud-native applications. It offers lightweight runtimes and frameworks (like Quarkus) for highly distributed cloud architectures, such as microservices.

Red Hat Application Foundations provides organizations with a comprehensive set of components to develop and modernize their software. The technologies in Application Foundations have been engineered to help build, deploy, and operate applications with security in mind and at scale across the hybrid cloud. Red Hat Application Foundations can be used with applications that run on-premises or in the cloud and, when combined with Red Hat OpenShift, creates a platform that streamlines execution across the entire application life cycle.

Red Hat OpenShift AI is a flexible, scalable MLOps platform with tools to build, deploy, and manage AI-enabled applications. Built using open source technologies, it provides trusted, operationally consistent capabilities for teams to experiment, serve models, and deliver innovative apps.

Availability and Pricing

This offering is intended for private offer customers running ARO on Azure Infrastructure only. Please contact your Red Hat seller for additional details. This offer is available in eligible NA/APAC countries.