Canvas Envision

Canvas GFX

Canvas Envision

Canvas GFX

Interactive Digital Work Instructions for manufacturing & field services using 2D, 3D & multimedia.

Canvas Envision is the browser-based SaaS solution that makes it easy for anyone to author precise, model-based illustrations, animations and full instructional documents, even without prior CAD experience.

Canvas Envision allows you to:

• Canvas Envision is the browser-based SaaS solution that makes it easy for anyone to author precise, model-based illustrations, animations and full instructional documents, even without prior CAD experience.
• Create rich visual content for instructional material including training guides, manufacturing work instructions, standard operating procedures, maintenance manuals, and user guides.
• Author entire page-based instructional documents combining 3D visualizations and animations with images, video, audio content, text, tabular data, 2D drawings and more.
• Export authored content to standard visual and multimedia formats, or embed interactive content for viewing in other application environments.
• Share interactive content for in-browser viewing within your organization
• Integration with PDM, PLM and other source of truth platforms allows for frictionless updates to authored content when source CAD data changes.

Canvas Envision includes:
• Envision Creator – Browser-based 3D visualization and document authoring tool in a single, intuitive application. Envision Creator uses the native .evDoc format but can export to common image, video, and document formats
• Envision Portal – Browser-based document management, sharing, permissions and admin management
• Envision Viewer – Interactive browser-based viewing of Envision content and documents.

Canvas Envision Enables:
3D Visualization
• Create rich visual content up to 5X faster with a single dedicated application
• Sophisticated and intuitive 3D CAD visualization: Hide and ghost parts, create exploded and cross-sectional views, apply colors and textures and more [link to relevant user guide documentation]
• Add contextual information: Add labels, dimensions, and annotations in 2D and 3D, including from model metadata. Use the instant magnification lens to highlight important parts of illustrations and visualizations
• 3D Animation: Build process animations from 3D CAD models with an easy and intuitive timeline interface
• Export to .png, webm, pdf

Document Authoring
• Combine model-based visualizations and animations with a host of other content formats to create interactive images and documents
• Text input with full formatting
• Create tables and charts
• Add and edit images and vector graphics
• Insert video and audio content
• Add QR codes and hyperlinks
• Build user navigation with page actions and linked objects
• Use smart layers to hide and display different types of content – perfect for multi-language documents, or swapping between 2D and 3D views
• Export to pdf or share as Envision document

Document Management and Sharing
• Configurable folder-based workspaces for document storage and access
• User permissions and access
• Document review to publish workflows
• Document sharing

Content and Document Viewing
• Browser-based viewing with fully interactive embedded models and animations
• Rotate, hide, and ghost parts – even during animations
• Switch between content on different layers