Azure CycleCloud Workspace for Slurm

microsoft-azure-cyclecloud - Microsoft Internal Team

Azure CycleCloud Workspace for Slurm

microsoft-azure-cyclecloud - Microsoft Internal Team

Azure CycleCloud Workspace for Slurm deploys a complete Slurm environment with Azure CycleCloud

Azure CycleCloud Workspace for Slurm deploys a complete Slurm environment in Azure using Azure CycleCloud.
The workspace deploys the required VNet configuration, Filesystems, Azure CycleCloud VM, as well as the Slurm cluster VMs.
The workspace can also pre-create a set of authorized CycleCloud and Slurm users and customize the Slurm partition configurations.
See Azure CycleCloud Documentation - Azure CycleCloud | Microsoft Learn for Azure CycleCloud documentation and Slurm Scheduler Integration - Azure CycleCloud | Microsoft Learn for documentation on using Slurm with Azure CycleCloud.