
Mydatafactory B.V.


Mydatafactory B.V.

Product matching made easy. Save time and win more rfq's and bids.

Finding the right products for Request for Quotations, Proposals and Tenders is a time-consuming and laborious process. Our solution focuses completely on the process of matching the requested products in a Request for Quotation to your own product assortment. By dealing with most common cross-referencing and product coding challenges the solution gives wholesalers and distributors around the world the ability to significantly boost in efficiency, productivity, and revenue.

On average someone can Cross-Reference max 100 - 200 lines per day. This because of low quality data sent by your customer, for example: missing information, mistakes, information in one Excel column or PDF line and other errors.

With Mydatamatcher cross referencing can be accelerated by 10 till 20 fold, based on customer experiences.

  • Cross reference thousands of products lines per day
  • Deliver your customer a proposal within minutes or hours instead of days
  • Speeds up product matching and cross-referencing processes by ten to twenty-fold
  • Win more deals by developing the most favourable quotation with the right alternative products

Features and benefits

  • Through attribute recognition and tagging automatically finding the right products
  • Automatically match the right products
  • Previous matches to automatically match products which already have been matched in the past
  • Sales preference customization to easily offer products which you prefer to sell
  • Mydatadroid to give AI generated explanations and support about products and their attributes

  • Finding alternatives fast and intuitively
  • Integrate competitor numbers
  • Search and use all your catalogues, assortments or price and product lists
  • Collaborate with multiple people on a RFQ in the same environment
  • Export in requested structure of your customer
  • Reduce human made errors through automation
  • Identify products requested by your customers to add to your assortment
  • Improve sales processes with insights and teamwork
  • Available in multiple languages
  • High security: ISO 27001 Certified and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

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