Nexus GO Workplace

Technology Nexus Secured Business Solutions AB

Nexus GO Workplace

Technology Nexus Secured Business Solutions AB

Issue and manage digital certificates for IT infrastructure, servers, workstation and mobile devices

Corporate IT environments contain a multitude of devices; servers, printers, routers, workstations, mobile phones etc. Organizations today strive for a zero-trust IT architecture, where each IT device has its unique, trusted identity and device authentication as well as data integrity and confidentiality is ensured in the device communication. This significantly complicates so called ransomware attack.

GO Workplace simplifies the lifecycle management of identities and credentials based on certificates through automation and streamlined processes. During the on-boarding process, a customer-specific certificate authority (CA) is deployed in Nexus secure cloud. The issuance of the identities is handled automatically through API integration and manually by the user through the self-service portal.

GO Workplace support a broad range of devices based on extensive certificate management protocol support. This includes devices managed by Microsoft Intune. It integrates seamlessly into existing IT environment and tools, ITSM systems, user/system data repositories and identity providers (for e.g. single sign-on).