WebLogic Base Image on JDK8/OL76

Oracle America, Inc.

WebLogic Base Image on JDK8/OL76

Oracle America, Inc.

Oracle Linux 7.6 VM with JDK 8 running WebLogic Server pre-installed

This is a WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition base image on JDK 8 with Oracle Linux 7.6.

The VM instance created by this offer is suitable for customers that require very highly customized Azure deployments. Users of this offer are expected to be familiar with WebLogic Server administration. The VM is installed with the specified GNU/Linux distribution, Oracle JDK version, and WebLogic Server version. The relevant directories are listed here:

  • ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/wls/install/oracle/middleware/oracle_home
  • WL_HOME: /u01/app/wls/install/oracle/middleware/oracle_home/wlserver
  • JAVA_HOME: /u01/app/jdk/

There is no pre-created domain. During VM creation, you are asked to provide a username and SSH key or credentials for the admin account. After logging in with this account, do sudo su - oracle to get write access to the relevant directories.

For instructions on creating a WebLogic domain given the above directories visit the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation. Once there, select the appropriate version of WebLogic Server from the drop-down menu. On the main page for the selected version, select Install, Patch and Upgrade, then find and follow the domain creation instructions.

In addition to these base images, offers also include different solution templates to meet different scenarios on virtual machines and AKS such as single node with an admin server or WebLogic cluster. These offers are linked in the Useful links section at the bottom of the solution overview page.

These offers are Bring-Your-Own-License. They assume you have already procured the appropriate licenses with Oracle and are properly licensed to run offers in Microsoft Azure.

If you want to work closely on your migration scenarios with the engineering team developing these offers, just click the CONTACT ME button on the solution overview page. Program managers, architects and engineers will reach back out to you shortly and initiate collaboration!