Chartnado Cube Server

Powder Software Inc.

Chartnado Cube Server

Powder Software Inc.

Build Chartnado dashboards against Excel and virtual OLAP cubes

The Chartnado Cube Server is the middleware data access component that's deployed to your private cloud. This application functions as an API server that allows the Chartnado applications for Office 365 & Google Workspace to query your configured data resources. Your private cloud server ensures that your data never leaves your control. This ensures restricted and secure access, regulatory compliance and data governance.

Chartnado is a no-code drag and drop dashboard/report builder that can query and visualize data from a wide range of data sources. Built for BI professionals and power users, Chartnado enables quick analysis, reporting and communication of important business data.

  • Modern Visuals - Get modern web graphics with small multiples and powerful conditional formatting.
  • No Code Calculations - Create powerful calculations with graphical building blocks, no code required.
  • Dynamic Parameters - Add modeling and what-if scenarios easily to answer complex business questions.
  • Full Templating - All of the visuals support the creation of customized templates with text, icons, shapes & sparklines.
  • Interactivity - Filter, highlight, drill down and more across your data, diving deeper to achieve insights.

Chartnado is all about data access and presentation. With the ability to directly query a growing array of popular cloud data sources including:

  • Microsoft Azure SQL Server
  • Microsoft Azure Analysis Services
  • Microsoft Azure Data Explorer
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Microsoft Excel Files
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Google Sheets
  • More data sources are continuously added

Chartnado is also about data visualization. Some key features include a wide array of fully interactive UI components including:

  • Grids
  • Pivot Grids
  • Bar/Column/Line Charts
  • Polar/Radar Charts
  • Pie/Donut Charts
  • Circular/Linear Gauges
  • Cards
  • HTML
  • Funnels
  • Treemaps
  • Sankey diagrams
  • Apple, Azure, Esri, Google, Here, Mapbox & GeoJSON shape maps

All the visuals are completely customizable using conditional formatting. Show/hide data labels, legend items and axis labels. Change fonts/colors based on state and user choices.

Come visit Chartnado for more information.