UFO Files


UFO Files


Securely share files using your own cloud storage

Securely share files using your own IaaS.

  1. Enhanced Security and Control: By utilizing the company's own Azure storage account, your product provides a higher level of security for file transfers. The data remains within the organization's trusted infrastructure, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.
  2. Compliance and Data Governance: For organizations that handle sensitive or regulated data, your product ensures better compliance with industry standards and data protection regulations. The company's IT department can enforce data governance policies and maintain better control over file transfers.
  3. Seamless Integration with Azure Ecosystem: Being built on Azure, your product seamlessly integrates with other Azure services and applications. This integration streamlines workflows, making it easier for employees to manage and share files within the organization.
  4. Scalability and Performance: Leveraging Azure's robust infrastructure, your product can handle large-scale file transfers efficiently. This is crucial for organizations that deal with high volumes of data daily.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Utilizing the company's existing Azure storage account can lead to cost savings compared to using external file transfer services. Companies can optimize their Azure subscription and reduce the need for additional third-party subscriptions.
  6. COMING SOON! Customization and Branding: Your product allows companies to customize the user interface and branding, providing a consistent and professional experience to both employees and external recipients.
  7. Faster Support and Issue Resolution: As an internally managed product, support and issue resolution can be more efficient. The company's IT team can address any problems promptly, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smoother user experience.
  8. Data Residency and Sovereignty: For organizations with strict data residency requirements, using their own Azure storage ensures that files remain within specific regions or countries, addressing data sovereignty concerns.