Debian 11 Basic

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Debian 11 Basic

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

One of the most popular and important Linux distributive

Debian 11 Basic

Debian is an open-source operating system that is widely used in servers, desktops, and embedded systems. Debian 11 introduces numerous new features and improvements compared to its predecessor, Debian 10.

Some of the significant changes include updates to the Linux kernel version 5.10, GNOME 3.38, and KDE Plasma 5.20 desktop environments. Additionally, it includes the latest versions of popular software packages such as LibreOffice 7.0, Firefox 78, and GIMP 2.10.

Debian 11 incorporates several security enhancements, including stricter default settings for sudo and SSH access, as well as improved support for Secure Boot. The operating system also features the latest security patches and updates, ensuring that users are protected from known vulnerabilities.

One of the key changes in Debian 11 is the adoption of Wayland as the default display server, replacing Xorg. Wayland provides better performance, enhanced security, and modern graphics capabilities compared to Xorg, making Debian 11 more suitable for modern hardware.

Overall, Debian 11 is a stable, reliable, and versatile operating system that offers a range of software packages and tools suitable for a variety of use cases. Whether you are a developer, system administrator, or casual user, Debian 11 provides a solid foundation for all your computing needs.

Download our Debian 11 Basic version now and seamlessly manage your server while benefiting from all the features of the system.

Virtual Pulse is glad to provide you with a Debian 11 Basic Image, fully pre-configured and cloud-hardened for outstanding work in Azure environments. Deploy and enjoy great functionality!

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Debian is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.