SQL Anywhere to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Migration

mLogica LLC

SQL Anywhere to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Migration

mLogica LLC

SQL Anywhere to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Migration

mLogica’s proprietary STAR*M automated migration software suite replatforms and refactors your legacy application and database code onto leading-edge cloud platforms with unmatched reliability; reducing errors, risk and costs while accelerating time-to-market.

STAR*M’s unmatched automated modernization software lets you migrate your SQL Anywhere databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL. STAR*M also enables you to convert the embedded SQLs in the applications to work with the new database.

Migrated Components

Tables, Data, Indexes, Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views, Built-in functions, Data types, Operators, Roles, Grants, DQLs, Dynamic SQL, Temporary Tables, Procedure returns result set, Transaction handling Statements, Embedded SQLs within Applications

STAR*M, the advanced automation suite lets you modernize in one third the time and half the cost!

  • Migrate outdated databases and applications to the cloud securely and cost-effectively

  • Unmatched automated conversion software optimizes accuracy, efficiency and spend

  • Unlock and monetize your data with the agility and scalability of the cloud