Bugzilla(™) Manage Software Development on Ubuntu

Tidal Media Inc

Bugzilla(™) Manage Software Development on Ubuntu

Tidal Media Inc

Deploy and get an immediate access to Bugzilla bug tracking system

Bugzilla(™) Manage Software Development on Ubuntu

Most in-demand and recommended implementation of bug tracking software application that keeps track of reported software bugs in software development projects.

Bugzilla(™) is a web-based general-purpose bug tracking system and testing tool. It has been adopted by a variety of organizations for use as a bug tracking system.

Simple defect-tracking capabilities are often built into integrated source code management environments such as Github or other web-based or locally-installed equivalents. However, unlike them, Bugzilla is significantly more functional and a lot scalable and comprehensive - thereby outgrowing capabilities of those systems - for example, because they want workflow management, or bug visibility control (security), or custom fields.

Bugzilla(™) features for Users:

  • Advanced Search Capabilities
  • Email Notifications Controlled By User Preferences
  • Bug Lists in Multiple Formats (Atom, iCal, etc.)
  • Scheduled Reports (Daily, Weekly, Hourly, etc.) by Email
  • Reports and Charts
  • Automatic Duplicate Bug Detection
  • File/Modify Bugs By Email
  • Time Tracking
  • 1107
  • Request System
  • Private Attachments and Comments
  • Automatic Username Completion or Drop-Down User Lists
  • Patch Viewer
  • "Watch" Other Users
  • Move Bugs Between Installs
  • Save and Share Searches

Bugzilla(™) features for Administrators:

  • Excellent Security
  • Extension Mechanism for Highly Customizable Installations
  • Custom Fields
  • Custom Workflow
  • Full Unicode Support
  • Localization
  • mod_perl Support for Excellent Performance
  • Web Services (XML-RPC) Interface
  • Control Bug Visibility/Editing with Groups
  • Multiple Authentication Methods
  • Support for Multiple Database Engines
  • Sanity Check

Bugzilla is a web-based system but needs to be installed on your server for you to use it. However, This specially pre-configured Image designed by Tidal Media Inc. is ready-to-run and can be used for instantaneous deployments. Perfect for those who are looking for a Bugzilla solution with an easy installation and configuration, this product gives you immediate access to bug tracking system.

Click "Get it Now" to obtain ready Bugzilla production bundled with all the components that are required to run this application.

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide a commercial license for any of these products. Bugzilla is a complete and separate project from Tidal Media Inc.