Neo4j Community Edition Server on SUSE 15 SP5

Tidal Media Inc

Neo4j Community Edition Server on SUSE 15 SP5

Tidal Media Inc

A platform exceptionally efficient in managing graph databases

Neo4j Community Edition Server on SUSE 15 SP5

Neo4j is a robust and immensely scalable graph database management system built to manage extensive networks of interconnected data. It operates on a graph model, comprising nodes (or vertices) and relationships (or edges) that link these nodes together.

Neo4j employs the Cypher query language, tailored explicitly for graph data. Cypher enables users to articulate intricate graph patterns and execute robust graph traversals using a syntax resembling natural language. It offers an expressive and concise method for accessing, modifying, and analyzing data stored within Neo4j.

Neo4j guarantees data integrity and consistency by adhering to ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance. Additionally, it's finely tuned for managing graph data, ensuring exceptional performance for graph-related operations. Leveraging diverse indexing methods, caching mechanisms, and parallel processing, Neo4j delivers swift query responses.

Neo4j presents an extensive collection of graph algorithms tailored to your data. These algorithms utilize the inherent graph structure to execute various tasks, including pathfinding, community detection, centrality analysis, and recommendation systems.


  • Adaptable Data Modeling
  • High Performance
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Native Graph Processing
  • Cypher Query Language
  • Integrations and Ecosystem
  • Community and Support

Feel free to begin using our Neo4j Community Edition Server on SUSE 15 SP5 and experience enhanced data efficiency.

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide a commercial license for any of these products. Neo4j Community Edition is a complete and separate project from Tidal Media Inc.