ESG Data Landscape Map - 1 Day Workshop

Thinkport GmbH

The ESG Data Landscape Map workshop provides a visualization of ESG data, identifying stakeholders, key sources, and interdependencies, supporting transparency and data-driven sustainability.

ESG Data Landscape Map

The overview of your ESG-relevant data

Understanding and managing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data in the Microsoft Azure environment is critical for meeting regulatory requirements, enhancing transparency, and creating a base for data-driven sustainability management. However, the journey to a complete and actionable overview of your ESG data landscape can be complex and daunting.

Our ESG Data Landscape Map service is designed to address this challenge by combining our data and ESG expertise with in-depth user interviews to fully understand your data landscape and its interdependencies. The result: a comprehensive visualization of your ESG data landscape.

The project agenda

Our process for mapping your ESG data landscape begins with a half-day Stakeholder Analysis Workshop to identify key stakeholders who have insights into your ESG-relevant data. Following this, User Interviews are conducted with these stakeholders to uncover data sources, applications, and the relationships between them. Finally, our experts compile and visualize the findings in an ESG Data Landscape Map, highlighting redundancies, dependencies, and critical data points to provide a clear, actionable overview of your ESG data environment.

  1. Stakeholder Analysis In a workshop (0.5 days), our experts will help you to identify the stakeholders who have a (partial) overview of your ESG-relevant data landscape. The external view helps to ensure the necessary granularity and completeness.

  2. User Interviews Semi-structured interviews are conducted with the identified stakeholders which, in addition to identifying ESG-relevant data sources and applications, focus on the relationships and dependencies between them. Our experts have a deep understanding of ESG data and data landscapes and can prevent inaccuracies and incompleteness.

  3. Evaluation of ESG Data Landscape Map The results of the user interviews are compiled and visualized by our experts - the focus is on a presentation that highlights redundancies and dependencies - as well as the key ESG data points.

The outcome

You will have a complete visual overview of your ESG data landscape including the responsible stakeholders 6-8 weeks after the start of the project. All (interim) results are documented and presented. If necessary IT infrastructure will be build with Microsoft Azure and we can also provide options how to integrate Power BI app or other Azure analysis tools.