ESG Data Platform: 1 Day Workshop

Thinkport GmbH

Our one-day workshop guides you in building an ESG data platform. Learn to identify data sources, integrate data, and apply best practices, providing a clear roadmap for effective ESG reporting.

ESG Data Platform Workshop

How to: From status quo to an ESG data platform

Navigating the complex landscape of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting or sustainability management requires more than just good intentions – it demands a robust and centralized data platform. Our one-day workshop is designed to guide you through the essential steps to create an ESG data platform tailored to your organization's needs.

An ESG data platform is the central solution to be ideally positioned for ESG reporting and sustainability management. However, the path to an ESG data platform is anything but clear.

In this workshop, you'll gain critical insights into identifying relevant data sources, structuring your ESG data platform, and implementing industry best practices. By the end of the session, you’ll be equipped with a clear roadmap for your ESG data platform, ensuring you can confidently tackle your ESG reporting challenges.

The workshop

In five steps, you will not only learn how to locate the relevant data, but also how to set up an ESG data platform and what best practices already have been established. The following shows the intended workshop agenda.

  1. ESG Data Exploration Step 1 of the workshop deals with the ESG-related analysis of the data landscape (“ESG Data Landscape Map”). The aim is to assess the completeness and accuracy of the data relevant to the ESG KPIs.
  2. ESG Data Platform Fundamentals Data platforms always have individual requirements - ESG data platforms are no different. We shed light on these special requirements and show what is important.
  3. ESG Data Processing ESG-relevant data is often not available in the required metrics. In step 3 of this workshop, we will show how processing and conversion can work in practice and what best practices there are for this.
  4. ESG Data Integration The necessary data is usually distributed across the entire data landscape. We explain how this data can be merged seamlessly and automatically and what special ESG characteristics there are.
  5. ESG Data Platform – Best Practices At the end of this workshop, we will present what the next generation of ESG data platforms will look like and what best practices can already be found today.

The outcome

After this one-day workshop, you will have a complete blueprint for the path to the ESG data platform, including templates and best practices. All workshop content and results are documented and made available.

The IT infrastructure will be build with Microsoft Azure and we can also provide options how to integrate Power BI app or other Azure analysis tools.