JNCTN – Secure workforce credential verification

JNCTN Limited

JNCTN – Secure workforce credential verification

JNCTN Limited

The SaaS platform to verify your workforces' qualifications, licenses, certifications and identity.

Automate onboarding, issue permits to work and quickly build your pre-qualified, work-ready workforce.
Our platform delivers a wide array of benefits, leading to significant efficiency gains. Customers have reported remarkable results, saving up to 10% on training costs and associated administrative tasks.
The JNCTN Admin Portal and App are accessible and inclusive, meeting the requirements of individuals' roles at all levels. Individuals have their own personal digital wallet ensuring privacy is maintained without sacrificing convenience or control over their credentials.
With the creation of lifelong learning records, career growth is fueled, and work history is easily proven when moving between jobs and industries.
Our platform ensures enterprises optimize governance and see gains in training, site management and access. It streamlines compliance processes and reporting, lets you view workforce competency across locations, and reduce hiring costs.
Built using open technical standards, using JNCTN ensures interoperability and synchronization with internal data, HR, and learning management systems.
Please reach out to us if you wish to receive a private offer.