Virtual Machines with Confidential App Enclaves

Microsoft Azure Compute

(1 valutazioni)

Virtual Machines with Confidential App Enclaves

Microsoft Azure Compute

(1 valutazioni)

Deploy the latest virtual machine from Azure with Intel SGX-enabled application enclaves

Ensure that your business-critical data is secured while in use, by leveraging Azure’s leading confidential infrastructure, tools, and SDK.

Take security to the next level and protect data while it's processed in the cloud by using secure enclaves. These enclaves are used to fully encrypt your data, and take Microsoft out of the Trusted Computing Base (TCB). This template will allow you to deploy the newest family of virtual machines that enable confidential computing features. With just a few configurations and a single-click deployment, you can build secure enclave-based applications to run inside of the virtual machine to protect your data and code, end-to-end.