Attendance Recognition System - Bail Kiosk
Akkodis Consulting
Attendance Recognition System - Bail Kiosk
Akkodis Consulting
Attendance Recognition System - Bail Kiosk
Akkodis Consulting
Purchase a Bail Kiosk operational trial or annual license
Bail Kiosk is an Attendance Recognition System that enables a person on bail to report via a self-service kiosk at a police station, instead of Reporting to Police staff at the counter.
Bail Kiosk utilises a device with a camera, facial matching technology, and integration with Police systems to automate the bail reporting process, saving Police time and providing a better community experience. For every person that reports; Bail Kiosk records the person’s name, D.O.B., date, time and location. Bail Kiosk will also provide an SMS receipt to users.
Over 12 months, self-service Bail Kiosks save thousands of shifts, freeing up Police staff to focus on other Policing activities and providing better community outcomes. If you are interested in learning more about Bail Kiosk and how we can help you organisation, please contact our team.
Altre informazioni
Akkodis Australia Public Safety and Justice - Bail Kiosk