Educational Access & Analytics

Creative Technology Solutions

Educational Access & Analytics

Creative Technology Solutions

a customizable, interactive Educational Institution dashboard that leverages data insights & access

Why Edulytics?

o    Single Entry, one gate to the learning pool

o   User-friendly & hassle-Free Access

o   Differentiated & tailored Data Analysis experience

What More for the Learners’ Wellbeing?

o   A safe & secured environment for learners to flourish.

o   Monitored learner’s behaviour that helps to address behavioural challenges.

o   A realistic, tailored anti-bullying awareness campaigns can be born out of the data reported.

o   Educational Institution Counsellors pool of data to identify, support and assist students with psychological needs or with behavioural challenges.

What More for the Decision Makers, educators…?

o   Time Efficiency in having grades access differentiated and in one place

o   Monitored learners’ behaviour live that helps addressing any issues or challenges promptly.

o   A well-documented, tailored and individualised tool to build a fruitful anti-bullying awareness campaign.

o   Educational Institution stakeholders’ Profiles perfect fit to differentiate and individualise learning

o   Live data which helps teachers, heads and educators act fast to address learning challenges.

o   A platform that links into the existing ecosystem of the educational institution and its Active Directory