



Unlock the data in medical images, rapidly and precisely.

Unlock the data in medical images, rapidly and precisely.

PulmoAi dramatically increases radiologist efficiency, improves radiological outcomes by aiding in the interpretation of pulmonary exams, using practical Ai, machine learning, and novel image processing techniques developed specifically for the analysis of CT scans.

  • PulmoAi CT is an advanced image analytic product designed specifically for pulmonary CT-scan analyses. Combining Practical AI, Machine Learning (ML), and image processing technology developed for the current crisis, our product does what no other solution can. PulmoAi CT automatically segments pulmonary scans pixel by pixel, without the blurring or distortion experienced with similar technologies. The result: Crisply rendered 3D imagery—enabling the immediate identification of indications for tumors, nodules, COVID-19, and other anomalies. With speed, clarity, and accuracy, PulmoAi CT enables radiologists to assess a higher volume of patients in a fraction of the time. Analyze more scans, deliver faster diagnoses, and dramatically improve the care of patients.
  • PulmoAi X-ray 
    Physicians in the US are using X-rays to triage patients with COVID-19 symptoms. Despite showing symptoms some are sent home, only to return within 24 hours requiring immediate intubation and emergency care, suffering from lung capacities as low as 30%. Rapid X-ray tests are missing something crucial.

Disclaimer: The following model shall be used with the guidance or supervision of a trained or licensed healthcare practitioner. The model shall not be used solely or primarily relied upon to diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, triage, monitor, investigate, predict outcome and/or response to treatment for patients who have a specific lung disease. Further, the model has not been FDA cleared and/or approved and the recommendations provided by the product are adjunctive to any additional information gathered by a professional. Use of this model should be in line with local and state regulations. This model is not indicated for the diagnosis of COVID-19 since in vitro diagnostic testing is the only definitive method to diagnose this disease.