Docker Registry: Highly Scalable Server on Ubuntu

Tidal Media Inc

Docker Registry: Highly Scalable Server on Ubuntu

Tidal Media Inc

Ready-to-run server to build, store, scan, replicate, and manage container images and artifacts

Docker Registry: Highly Scalable Server on Ubuntu

Docker registry is a storage and content delivery system, holding containers and images, available in different tagged versions. This is a stateless, highly scalable server-side application that allows you to build, store, manage, and distribute containers images, and artifacts.

Docker Registry Highlights:

  • Store and manage container images across all types of deployments
  • Use Docker command line interface (CLI) tools
  • Keep container images near deployments to reduce latency and costs
  • Simplify registry access management with Azure Active Directory
  • Maintain Windows and Linux container images in a single registry

This is an instant deployment template with a Private Registry for hosting container images. Using this solution you can store Docker-formatted images for all types of container deployments. Implementing your own Registry on Azure is a great opportunity to integrate with and complement your CI/CD system.

Private Docker Register enables fast, scalable retrieval of container workloads. It handles private Docker container images as well as related content formats. Easily configure tasks to automatically rebuild application images when base images are updated, or automate image builds when your team commits code to a Git repository.

You are able to authorize a single registry to serve users and hosts wherever they are, with multi-master geo-replication. It will increase deployment by using regionalized webhooks to receive notifications when a local pull becomes available. It’s also an essential component if you want to quickly deploy a new image over a large cluster of machines. Finally, it’s the best way to distribute images inside an isolated network.

Get it now to launch a completely private Docker registry with all the features available in the repository manager.

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