Google Places Coordinate Refresher

Aetex Inc.

Google Places Coordinate Refresher

Aetex Inc.

Get notified of any lat-long changes of Google Places places within 30 days (as required by EULA)

This service notifies your system of any changes in lat-longs coordinates to Google Places places in your system no later than 30 days after they are made. You let us know which places you want to watch, and we perform periodic checks against them and notify you upon any detected change to the coordinates since the last value you stored in your system.

If you are using Google Places places within any of your systems, you are required by their EULA to refresh place coordinates at least once every 30 days. This is required since coordinates can change as information gets updated by either the business owner, crowd-sourced through user feedback or curated by Google Places or any of its underlying data providers, and they want to ensure your data is not displaying stale or incorrect results.

This eliminates the need to spin up your own job servers and prevents your data from going stale, while meeting the requirements of the Google Places EULA with minimal effort.