Piwigo Photo Gallery

Niles Partners Inc.

Piwigo Photo Gallery

Niles Partners Inc.

Photo Gallery software for the web

Piwigo refers to an open-source photo gallery software for the web and it is designed for organisations, teams as well as individuals. It helps organisations to centralize, organise and publish their digital content with easy to use software that is highly affordable.


High Volume: Piwigo shines when it aims to classify thousands or even hundreds of photos.

Open Source: Due to its plugins and themes, its source code is available, editable, auditable and extendable.

Album Organisation: You can distribute your photos among your own albums as the album tree has unlimited depth. Each photo can belong to several albums.

Photo Privacy: You can make your photos private and decide who can or cannot view them. You can set permissions on photos and albums, for groups or individual users.