Git Server Bonobo with Windows Server 2019

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Git Server Bonobo with Windows Server 2019

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Production-ready and one-click deployment reliable Git Server

Git Server Bonobo with Windows Server 2019

Virtual Pulse provides you with a production-ready and one-click deployment, Bonobo Git Server. This solution ensures a web application you can install on your IIS and easily manage and connect to your git repositories. The Image continuously monitors updates and vulnerabilities and has been packaged with all enterprise and security standards.

Bonobo Git Server shows you the list of all available repositories you’ve created. On the detail page, you can see the contributors, administrators, and teams assigned to the repository.

A repository browser allows you to see the structure of the project inside the web interface. It can display the content of a file if it is a text one and use proper syntax highlighting. It also can display images.

Another important part of Bonobo Git Server is the commit history browser. It displays the whole repository history. Each commit can be displayed on the detail page with additional information about the modified, added, and deleted files. User management is also an important part of the server. You can easily manage git users as an administrator.

If you were looking for a reliable and scalable Git Server, look no further than this Git Server Bonobo with Windows Server 2019.

Virtual Pulse is glad to provide you with a greatly optimized, carefully pre-configured Windows Server 2019 with Git Server Bonobo Image, cloud-hardened to work in Azure environments. Just a few clicks separate you from deploying one of the best digital databases worldwide!

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of the products mentioned above. Git Server Bonobo is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.