Data Discovery by Cookie Information

Cookie Information

Data Discovery by Cookie Information

Cookie Information

Automatically detect, flag and notify about critical data privacy violations and high-risk files

Data discovery by Cookie Information enables organizations to find and classify personal data across emails and files, gain complete overview of high-risk files and data privacy violations, and help them comply with data privacy regulations such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Data discovery by Cookie Information leverage advanced AI data mapping capabilities to automatically detect, flag and notify about critical data privacy violations and high-risk files. With Data discovery by Cookie Information your organisation will get:

1. Automatically reporting
Data Protection Officers (DPO) and other data protection responsibles can automatically receive data privacy reports that highlight potential risks, pitfalls, areas for improvement, and progress

2. Data-driven insights
Replace assumptions with data-driven insights and see exactly what impact your GDPR and compliance work/initiatives have. See where things are going well and which areas need attention

3. Make it easy for employees
Spare employees from spending hours manually going through emails, files, etc. to find and get rid of personal data they no longer need. Data discovery by Cookie Information will find emails or files that violate GDPR or CCPA or compose an IT security risk and automatically alert employees about their own violations. Upon receiving a notification the employees can see all their violations, take action appropriate to the relevant laws and easily mitigate them.

Data discovery by Cookie Information includes pre-built connectors to Microsoft 365 services (Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams etc.), files shares, Microsoft SQL server and many more and allow organizations to integrate the systems and get started within minutes. In addition, the solution offers an OpenAPI which enables organizations to build custom integrations and leverage the capabilities of the solution on legacy systems.