
Daltrey Australia Pty Ltd


Daltrey Australia Pty Ltd

Establish a single, trusted biometric credential.

How Daltrey works

Traditionally, identity management begins with the provision of insecure access tools such as swipe cards, usernames and passwords. Daltrey’s identity-defined approach eliminates these outmoded methods and enables organisations to define security policy from a more effective starting point: robust identity establishment.

A digital representation of a person’s physical identity

Each and every person interacting with an organisation undergoes a robust identity establishment process, creating a biometric credential. A DaltreyID can be used for authentication across all physical and digital systems, delivering convenient, secure authentication across all identity-dependent processes.

One system to manage it all

Our intelligent middleware platform provides industry-leading biometrics as a service, seamlessly integrating with existing access management providers and bridging the gap in your identity strategy.

Minimise the risk of security breaches

Eyes, voices, faces and fingertips are unique to everyone. Establishing identity assurance with biometrics eliminates the need for passwords, passes and PINS, solving access management pain points such as credential and session sharing, poor password management, expired access for ex-employees and contractors and security issues surrounding after-hours onboarding.

Avoid compliance headaches

The ability to determine access privileges for specific employees, combined with the ability to quickly and accurately assess exactly who is accessing information and locations, eases the burden of regulatory compliance and fines and fosters a smooth auditing process. 

Apply and adapt to any use case

A flexible identity-defined security approach allows for more agile business processes. DaltreyIDs work across all physical and digital access points, across any industry, with adaptive authentication that can be fully-customised to suit the relevant user, location and risk level.

Secure your remote workforce

Remote and mobile biometric authentication allows employees to seamlessly connect to corporate resources on their own devices and networks, without jeopardising security.