Managed Guardian Service Vault

Envision Blockchain Solutions

Managed Guardian Service Vault

Envision Blockchain Solutions

Secure self-custody with the Managed Guardian Service Vault

The Managed Guardian Service Vault is designed to benefit organizations and individuals looking to securely store their user account secrets, such as private keys. The Vault solution leverages the open-source version of Hashicorp Vault and is intended to be used with the Managed Guardian Service. The Managed Guardian Service (MGS) is a SaaS solution for businesses that are developing apps for emissions reporting, carbon offset, and renewable energy credit creation. MGS makes managing technological infrastructure hassle-free, allowing businesses to concentrate on their core activities. The solution makes use of Verifiable Presentations (VPs), Verifiable Credentials (VCs), and Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) from the W3C to deliver a fully auditable environment "Trust Chain." It addresses the problems that exist in the market including bad data, uncertainty, possible double counting, greenwashing, and a general lack of confidence. The Managed Guardian Service is a hosted environment where we provide you with resources, tools, and support. Once registered for the Managed Guardian Service, users will be given two account creation options. They may choose to bring their own vault or use this solution we custom-built for the Managed Guardian Service. Contact us to speak to a representative for more details!